Class details

Southborough C of E Primary School (5 - 9yrs)

Tuesday 3:20pm - 4:20pm

Limited Spaces Available 🎉
Venue details

Southborough C of E Primary School,
Broomhill Park Road,

TN4 0JY   view map

Football Club
Tuesday, 3.20pm-4.20pm
Years 1-6

If you would like to book in half terms, please complete the booking process and then contact us.

Our School Sports Clubs provide children with a great way to add more sporting fun to the school day. The breakfast, lunchtime and after school clubs are fully inclusive and provide you with a perfect solution to ensuring your child stays active. Using the School site as a venue our professional coaches make sure that your children have a a safe and enjoyable experience.

Children will get active and have loads of fun with friends taking part in activities they love and also may not have tried before.

We make sure that all of our staff are fully qualified, fully insured and hold current CRC, emergency aid and child protection certification.



This price covers the 7 sessions remaining in this term.

Tuesday 3:20pm - 4:20pm

7 sessions Tue 11 Feb 25 Tue 25 Feb 25 Tue 04 Mar 25 Tue 11 Mar 25 Tue 18 Mar 25 Tue 25 Mar 25 Tue 01 Apr 25

If your child hasn't been before and you would like to take them along to try the class we offer a free trial for .

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